Modelled by "Silver" Courtesy of Liz & Neville Mills
Goat Harness
To ensure a good fit we have available a sizing harness (sent post free against £50.00 returnable deposit). When the harness has been fitted and returned, a new harness will be made to your requirements.
Colours available: Red, black, grey, royal, navy and yellow.
Full instructions on measuring for a bridle are also supplied.
Harness: £86.00
Bridle inc reins: £24.00
The harness is made with 2", 1", ¾" and ½" nylon web.
The saddle pads are cotton drill and are adjustable with Velcro. The breast and breeching are lined with acrylic fur fleece and the fittings are nickle plated.
Available with a heavy duty "D" ring on the breast plate for pair driving.
Traces are supplied at a standard length of 4ft 6ins and reins are 70ins.
Other trace/rein lengths available to your measurements.