Modelled by "Sam"

Modelled by "Snowy"

Modelled by "Rahab"

Modelled by "Ci"
Universal Control Headcollar
Ideal for primitive sheep breeds as well as commercial breeds.
Underjaw strap tightens when animal pulls and releases when tension is relaxed.
Does not slip down the nose like a rope halter.
Suitable for most animals from small lambs to horses.
Ideal for training or showing.
(not to be left on when animal is turned out)
Available in 1⁄2", 3⁄4" or 1" soft polyprop web.
Dimensions required: Measure all around the nose (noseband) approximately 20mm in front of the eyes (for horses and ponies take the measurement in the usual noseband position, see picture). From one side of the noseband, measure round behind the head to a similar point on the other side.
I have standard measurements for many breeds of sheep; if ordering for sheep please state the breed and if it is for ewes, lambs or rams.
Many sizes held in stock (please state breed when ordering).
Can be made in black with white noseband for Balwens, Zwartbles etc.
For matching leads please see the Collars and Leads page.
Colours: Black, White, Grey, Brown, Red, Yellow, Burgundy, Emerald, Forest, Royal, Navy, Bright Blue.
N.B. Bright Blue is not available in ½".
½" £12.00 ea.
¾" £12.00ea.
1" £13.50 ea.
¾" web shown in photographs